intuitive doula
As a birth doula my role is to support you physically, emotionally and spiritually through this process of transformation based on my Mexican heritage and traditional birth support practices. We will meet during your pregnancy to discuss your birth options, wishes and priorities. I will provide pre and postpartum education and offer resources to help you gather evidence-based information so you feel confident in your decisions and fully connected to your OWN experience.

“The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The women existed, but the mother never. A mother is absolutely new.”

labour & birth
Once you feel the need for extra labour support, I will join you and stay through your labour, either at the hospital or at your home. I will be open and receptive to your needs in the moment, giving you gentle emotional and physical support, reassurance and encouragement. I will make sure to respect your unique parenting needs. My goal is to support you and your partner to create an amazing and respected birth experience and cultivate happy and confident parents.
la cuarentena
mexican postpartum doula
I truly believe in the importance of bringing back and reconnecting with rituals, ceremonies, and traditions around pregnancy, birth, and postpartum, especially during La Cuarentena (the first 40 days). We honor and respect the ancient wisdom of our Mexican Indigenous ancestors, who have helped women through the spiritual journey of birth and rite of passage into motherhood.
Through ancestral rituals I seek to empower the unique inner wisdom of the Mother that exists
within you.
“Remember, there is a natural time after childbearing when a women is considered to be of the underword. She is dusted with its dust, watered by its water, having seen into the mystery of life and death, pain and joy during labor.
So, for a time she is ‘not here’ but rather still ‘there’. It takes time to re-emerge.”
-Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes,
Women Who Run With Wolves

Healing Teas ( 100 % organic herbs )
-Warm the Womb
-Yoni Steam Bath & Compresses
-Steam Bath Ceremony
"La Cerrada" ( The Close Ceremony & Womb Healing Massage )
Mexican Traditional Massage with Rebozo.
Sacred Ceremony for Moms, where we get in contact with your physical and emotional body. It´s the perfect space of transition from pregnancy into motherhood. This ritual is about applying pressure in different parts of the body releasing emotions or physical tensions that can remind in our bodies during pregnancy or labour.
This experience is different and unique for every women.
La Sobada
Massage with herbs infusion oils to promote healing. Helps to release soreness, relieves water retention, detoxification, supports the uterus after birth.
Vendas Frías
Using a blend of herbs submerged in alcohol it is gentle applied into your abdominal area helping to the recovery of skin elasticity and to bring all the organs in place before pregnancy. After a deep a massage the tummy is bandaged to keep the firmness, better posture and get back encore strength.
Nutritive Healing
- Broths
- Healing Soups
- Fermented Veggies
- Mexican Atole ( Warm the Womb cocoa drink )
All these rituals and ceremonies are also healing processes through a miscarriage or baby loss.
where the magic happens

AU $900.00
2 Prenatal Visits :
(2 - 2 .5 h each)
Phone, text, email consultations continually throughout pregnancy and until 3 months postpartum.
24 hour on-call availability after week 37
Labor & Birth Support, until 2h post birth to assist with skin-to-skin, first latch and breastfeeding.
1 Postpartum Visit

AU $1,100
2 Prenatal Visits
Phone, text, email consultations continually throughout pregnancy and until 3 months postpartum.
24 hour on-call availability after week 37
Labor & Birth Support, until 2h post birth to assist with skin-to-skin, first latch and breastfeeding.
1 Postpartum Visit Including La Sobada y Vendada

AU $1,600
2-3 Prenatal Visits
Phone, text, email consultations continually throughout pregnancy and until 3 months postpartum.
24 hour on-call availability after week 37
Labor & Birth Support, until 2h post birth to assist with skin-to-skin, first latch and breastfeeding.
2 Postpartum Visit Including La Sobada y Vendada AND your choice of a Yoni Steaming session or La Cerrada. Including organic herbs & blends according to my Mexican Traditional Medicine.

I offer an initial free consultation that gives you a better sense of who I am as a Doula and what I have to offer. I am always happy to meet to see if we are a great fit! I work with a maximum of 2 families each month so that I can provide the best care possible. If you feel you may need or curiosity of additional support, please contact me early to ensure I have availability when needed.
*Prices for 2023 bookings. Payment Plan available for low income/underemployed or single parents, under certain circumstances. Please feel free to contact me for further inquiries.
Credit card payment available + 3% Fee

A blessing away is a circle of loving women who gather together in a beautiful and unique way to honor, nurture, and support the process of transformation from maiden to mother.
This ceremony helps the mother to prepare herself for the birth, emotionally, spiritually and mentally. She feels 'held' and supported by those she loves and respects. This may include her mother, sisters, aunts, daughters, best friends.
nuevo curso
embarazo consciente
To support Spanish-speaking moms both within and outside of Australia, I have created a wonderful online or in person 8 week course about prenatal care, birth, and postpartum care!
Best of all, we can speak our language and ask as many questions as we like without feeling limited by language or culture.
We'll have fun and normalize all your symptoms, thoughts, dreams, and even nightmares together!
I'm here to support you and answer all your questions. Let's make this experience unforgettable and join me on my course now!